Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Eve and Our 1st Major Injury

Ian had to work that night so I just stayed home with the boys with no intention of staying up to ring in the new year. Ian had left for work and the boys had been playing in the playroom for a while. Playing is probably not the right word. I had been telling them to calm down and quit jumping off of things for the last 30 minutes. Finally the inevitable happened. I hear someone jump from the train table (which I found out was Zach) followed by another thud which was Ben, and then a hurt cry. Zach comes running into the family room telling me that Ben is hurt but He didn't do it! Best I can figure (after listening to what happened from a 2 year old & 4 year old) is that Ben crawled from the train table up onto a small ledge that runs around the room and jumped off. This probably won't have hurt him except when he landed the top of his left foot came down on a toy with a rounded by pointed piece on it. Even after ibuprofen & a could washrag (he refused to let me ice it) he couldn't walk on it the rest of the night.

The next morning he still couldn't walk and we were suppose to leave the next morning for Arkansas. Of course since it was New Years our doctor's office was closed so we called the doctor on call. He said that since we were leaving town the next day we should probably have his foot ex-ray. So Ian & I headed off to the ER. They didn't think it was broken but it is hard to tell with small children because not all the bones in their feet have totally fused together yet. They said that in 2-3 days if he didn't start walking on it to come back and they would do a bone scan & just to keep it wrapped and give him Ibuprofen and ice it if he would let us.

So we went to Arkansas and Ben crawled everywhere he went for the entire trip (except for when he could look helpless and get someone to carry him, which was alot). He finally started walking on it Sunday evening, four days after the injury happened. He still limps because he is not bending his foot when he walks. So apparently his just has a really deep bruse in the tissue of his foot. At least he is not in a cast. A very active 2 year old in a cast, I don't even want to think about it.

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